Urs Wegmüller Dr. Urs Wegmüller


President of Executive Board, Director, Senior project scientist

charles werner Dr. Charles Werner


Vice-President of Executive Board, Senior project scientist

Andreas WiesmannDr. Andreas Wiesmann


Senior project scientist, Senior project manager and IT

tazio strozzi Dr. Tazio Strozzi


Senior project scientist


maurizio santoro Dr. Maurizio Santoro


Senior project scientist


othmar freyDr. Othmar Frey


Senior project scientist


mike schwank Dr. Mike Schwank


Senior project scientist

rafael caduff Dr. Rafael Caduff


Senior project scientist


oliver cartus Dr. Oliver Cartus


Senior project scientist


christophe magnardDr. Christophe Magnard


Senior project scientist


christian matzlerProf. Dr. Christian Mätzler


Senior consultant


nina jonesNina Jones


Project scientist


silvan leinssDr. Silvan Leinss


Project scientist


tobias batt Tobias Batt


Project scientist


Philip Bernhard Dr. Philipp Bernhard


Project scientist